Catherine Willoughby, 12th Baroness Willoughby De Eresby Height Weight Ethnicity Age

Catherine Willoughby, 12th Baroness Willoughby de Background

Eresby birthplace:Not available

Eresby date of birth:March 22, 1519

Eresby date of death:September 19, 1580

Eresby location of death:Grimsthorpe Castle, Lincolnshire

Eresby cause of death:Not available

Eresby zodiac:Aries

Eresby ethnicity:White

Eresby nationality:English

Eresby religion:Protestant

Was Eresby gay?:No

Catherine Willoughby, 12th Baroness Willoughby de Body

Eresby weight:Not available

Eresby height:Not available

Eresby body type / build:Slim

Catherine Willoughby, 12th Baroness Willoughby de Family

Eresby mother:Maria de Salinas

Eresby father:William Willoughby, 11th Baron Willoughby de Eresby

Catherine Willoughby, 12th Baroness Willoughby de Job

Eresby job: Duchess of Suffolk