Armaan Malik Wiki, Bio, Age, height, Education, Family

Armaan Malik is a professional Indian Singer. His nickname is Armaan. Do you know? What is the Date of birth of Armaan Malik? Where was born Armaan Malik? He was born in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India on 22 July, 1995 (Saturday) . Everybody want to know that how much age of Armaan Malik? Age of Armaan Malik is 28 years 2 Month(s) 17 day(s) old. Every person searched that what is the Country, Nationality and Continent of Armaan Malik? His Country name is India, Nationality is Indian and Asia Continent. Always came question from mind that What religion does Armaan Malik belong to? He belong to Islam Religion.
Armaan Malik


Armaan Malik Height , Weight And Physical Stats:

Do you want to know about Physical Stats of Armaan Malik? Then here is the right information for you. The Height of Armaan Malik is 5 feet 7 inches & Weight is 68 Kg. Also His eye color is Dark. & hair color is Black.

Armaan Malik Education:

Most of the people search on google for Where studied Armaan Malik? Armaan Malik studied from school- Jamnabai Narsee School, Mumbai; college- Berklee College of Music, Boston, Massachusetts ; . What is Educational Qualification of Armaan Malik? So for your kind information, His Educational Qualification is Completed Honours in Music.

Armaan Malik Family & Relationship Status:

As a Celebrity, many people search on google for His family information. So His father name is Daboo Malik (Music Director) & mother name is Jyothi Malik. Also Armaan Malik brother(s) name is Amaal Mallik If you need to know marital status of Armaan Malik, He is unmarried .

Armaan Malik Net Worth & Luxury:

The most valuable thing, which you must need to know the Armaan Malik Net Worth & Luxury information. The Net Worth of Armaan Malik is around 10 Million US dollars. Check the below table for more details about his Luxury information.

Armaan Malik Favorite Things:

Some of people want to know about Armaan Malik’s’ hobbies and favorite things. Armaan Malik’s’ hobbies is Playing football and play station & also favourite foods is Italian food. Finally Armaan Malik favourite colors is Black.

Armaan Malik Social Media:

Many people finding that what is the real link of Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram ) of Armaan Malik. Following table given His all real social media links.


What is the profession of Armaan Malik?

His profession is Singer.

Where is the birth place of Armaan Malik?

His birth place is Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

How Old is Armaan Malik?

Armaan Malik is 28 years 2 Month(s) 17 day(s) old.

What is the Date of Birth of Armaan Malik?

The date of birth is 22 July, 1995 (Saturday) of Armaan Malik.

How Tall is Armaan Malik?

The height is 5 feet 7 inches.

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